What is a transcript?
A transcript is the marks list, originally issued by the university or institution. A transcript contains your academic grades, the marks you have obtained, the maximum marks along with an explanation of the grading system (if any) that your college follows. Please note that photocopies of the student’s marks sheet is not treated as a transcript.
Do all universities offer scholarships?
Most of the universities offer scholarships to international students. The basic criterion of availing a scholarship is your good test scores and fair academics. Scholarships (when granted) generally start from $500 to full fee waiver and even a stipend to cover living expenses. It depends upon the university to provide you with the same.
Why is US better than other countries for higher education?
Because of world-class technology that’s being taught there and also because of the flexibility in enrolling, transferring and continuing in different programs at various levels.
What are the different types of colleges and universities?
There are community colleges (also known as two-year colleges), four-year colleges and universities.
When will the visa be granted and how does the student know?
Grant of visa will be informed by the visa officer and the student would know during the interview itself.
When should I apply for student visa?
It is prudent to apply 120 days prior to the date of enrolment stated in the I-120 form
Is change of status’ from one visa to another, possible within US?
While it may be possible for some categories, it may not be between F-1 (student) and H1b (employment) visas